Share the Care: Assessment of Team Roles and Task Distribution


This is a planning tool to assess who is currently doing what tasks in your practice to help determine who should be doing each task as you define clear roles and responsibilities for each role. There is no “right answer.” The tool is in the discussion about roles that this worksheet can stimulate. Your practice may be able to redistribute the tasks in a way that better fits your workforce and patients.


  • Each team member filling out this assessment will select their current role from the drop-down menu and then select each of the tasks that they do regularly or semi-regularly.
  • If there is a task that you conducted once or twice but do not typically conduct it, then you would not select it.
  • The tasks are organized by categories, such as "communications with patients, outside of the patient office visit."
  • If there are tasks you conduct that are not listed, please list them in the Other field.
  • If you have any questions, email Lakisa Fauchon at

Please select all activities that you currently conduct in your role

Communication with Patients, Outside of Patient Office Visit
Preparation for Patient Visits and Proactive Population Management
Patient Visit Tasks
Patient Education, Coaching, and Care Management
Administrative and Quality Improvement
Other Tasks